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About our Alpha Logo: Triple Bottom Line Alpha(tm) defined
About our Alpha Logo: Triple Bottom Line Alpha(tm) defined
"Tami is one of the most incredible speakers I've ever met...
She held and engaged the room from start to finish..."
For Individuals in Wealth Transitions
"The 3 Secrets of Happy Billionaires...and how YOU can Achieve 360 Success too!"
For Investors & Philanthropists
"SMART Impact™: Fiduciary Obligations AND Achieving Alpha with Impact"
For Entrepreneurs
"Perfecting the Pitch: How to More Easily Raise Capital in 2025"
"Tami is one of the most incredible speakers I've ever met. I had the pleasure of being in her session on Achieving Impact & Profit at the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference. She not only held and engaged the room from start to finish with her amazing energy and effortless style of delivery, but also I'm sure every single attendee left her session having learnt so much from her frameworks and examples, and having had many of their assumptions challenged, if not shattered. I know I did!
The conference definitely would not have been complete without her."
Asini Wijewardane
Poets & Quant's Top 100 Best & Brightest MBAs
Capital Markets Global Leadership Roundtable
Interlocutor for Fireside Chat with David Page, Director of the MIT Whitehead Institute
Capital Markets Global Leadership Roundtable
TEDx Dupont Circle ED
Sköll Emerge
TEDx Dupont Circle ED
What Others Are Saying
Rachel Gerrol
Co-Founder & CEO
"Tami’s approach to charity & impact is 100% unique! Her SMART Impact and SMART Charity frameworks transformed the way I look at and evaluate impact and charitable giving. If you can attend her course, do it! The frameworks she teaches will forever shift your views on impact, making you a more powerful investor & philanthropist!"
Peter O'Neil
Rockefeller Family Council
"Tami is gifted, knowledgeable, and fun. I found her SMART Charity Workshop very helpful for my personal charity and non-profit boards. She has a very strategic viewpoint and gets the human side of the equation."
Adi Ignatius
Editor in Chief
Harvard Business Review
“Many people tout their frameworks on impact, but Tami Kesselman is the real deal. Tami is one of the top minds in thinking about how to strike the right balance between financial success and impact results. Her SMART Impact framework is simple to incorporate yet profound in its ability to identify one's impact blind spots.”
Kevin Ho
AIESEC Yale University
"Tami provided training to 30-40 members of AIESEC at Yale University...She was awesome. The entire audience was captivated from the moment she started speaking - Tami is friendly, disarming, persuasive, and extremely engaging. Most importantly, her enthusiasm is infectious. Her stories and advice brought a combination of excitement and thoughtfulness - exactly what you want from any speaker."
Noya Desai
I heard Tami speak at Harvard Business School. She has priceless wisdom to share, a beautiful mind and a great attitude. All investors and all "do-gooders"; frankly, any human being can gain critical thinking skills and work towards ensuring that the impact of their actions are understood from her amazing systems thinking approach & case studies…All organizations and corporations should have their employees take her masterclass or attend at least one lecture of hers!
Harvard Business School Social Enterprise Conference (SECON 2016, 2017, 2019)
Harvard Kennedy School Social Enterprise Conference (SECON 2018)
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Undergraduate Study Group
University of Pennsylvania ENDEVVR Accelerator
Yale University Youth2Business Conference
United Nations FAF Global Youth Assembly
NEXUS Asia Regional Summit, Phuket, Thailand
HULT Prize Finalist Summer Accelerator Half Day Workshop
Technology for Development
MIT Enterprise Forum (Interlocutor) "How to Make Complex Technological Concepts Irresistible [for Funding]"
White House's U.S.-Africa Leadership Summit (Working Group Facilitator) "U.S.-Africa Open Data Jam"
Social Good Summit Brazil (Panelist) "Technology for Social Good"
Youth Assembly at the United Nations (Moderator/Keynote/Panelist) "Unwired Generation: Opportunities for Youth Impact"
LATISM Bloggiera Annual Meeting (Keynote) "Blogger Role in Fostering Transparency & Inspiration in Social Impact"
Harvard in Tech (Co-Host & Opening Remarks) "Blockchain for Social Good"
USAID with Village Capital & UNICEF (Facilitator) East Africa mHealth Accelerator Launch
UN Transformational Leadership Course (Curriculum Development Committee) Founding Faculty
Change Heroes; Plant-a-Fish; 1Liter of Light (Board Retreats, CEO Coach) Management Strategy Sessions
Sample List of Past Speaking Engagements:
Guest Lecturer: Investing SMART™ & Scaling BEST™ - Achieving Impact AND Profit
(Syllabus Overview of Full Semester Course on Best-in-Class Impact Diligence)
Managing Change
Executive Coaching
Public Television Reflections on Creating Opportunity Watch here (featured guest)
Harvard-Radcliffe Women's Leadership Conference Shifting Gears - Professional Transitions (workshop)
Renaissance Weekend Shifting Gears - Professional Transitions (workshop)
YOUNGA Forum 2021 at Disney World "3 Pivots You Must Make to be More Happy, More Wealthy, and More Impactful" (Keynote)
Market Rate Investing:
CBS Social Enterprise Conference: Capital for Good (Moderator) NYC "You Don't Have to Sacrifice Returns with ESG Investing"
Private Wealth Impact Investing Forum, Opal (Co-Chair & Opening Speaker) Newport "Trends in Investment Capital"
ELITE Independent RIA & Family Office Global Leaders Conference (Keynote) Cartagena "The Implications of Impact on My Portfolio"
Harvard Business School - SECON (Moderator) Cambridge "Shareholder Activism: A Conversation with Invest/Divest Leaders"
NEXUS Global (Moderator) United Nations, NYC "Impact Investing 101: From 'Traditional Investing' to 'Impact Investing'"
Nikkei AG/SUM Agri Tech Summit (Workshop Co-Leader) Tokyo "Alternative Financial Models to Support the AgriTech Sector"
Investment Consultants Forum (Panelist) Stamford "Investment Strategies that Will Generate Opportunity in Next Year"
Landmark Angels: Alternative Assets Forum (Moderator) Greenwich "Investing in Venture & Other Alternatives"
Family Office Private Wealth Winter Forum (Moderator) NYC "Investing for the Future: New Impact Investment Strategies"
TEDx Concordia (Emcee & Opening Talk) Place des Arts, Montreal "Next Generation: Evolving Collaboration through Financial Innovation"
Family Office Forum West (Moderator) Napa "Value-Aligned Asset Allocations"
PreMoneySF, hosted by 500 Startups (Panelist) San Francisco "Impact Investing Becomes Mainstream"
Detroit Innovation Forum / Erb Institute (Panelist) Detroit "What Impact Indicators are Investors Really Looking For?"
Private Wealth Impact Investing Forum, Opal (Panelist) West Palm "Value-Based Investing & The Role of the Shareholder"
Family Office Association (FOA) (Moderator) Napa "From Family Office to 'Family Enterprise' "
FOA Intergen Collaborative (Closing Co-Keynote) Miami "The Next 100 Years: From Existential Threats to Legacies of Meaning"
Harvard Business School Club of New York (Panelist) NYC "Impact Investing Panel"
Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Multi-Sector Collaborations, & the UN SDGs:
ENANGRAD Brasil (Opening Plenary Keynote) San Paolo "Behind the Scenes: Business and the Sustainability Movement"
UNDP Biennial Asia Regional Mgmt Meeting (Keynote) Bangkok "Evolving Development Funding: New Financing Instruments"
Ross School of Business, Univ Michigan (Lecturer) Ann Arbor "The Evolution of Multi-Sector Collaborations & the Sustainability Movement"
Skoll Emerge (Oxford debate, winning team closer) Oxford University House Proposition: "Business is the Best Vehicle to Achieve the SDGs"
SOCAP (Panelist) San Francisco "Mind the Gap: How to Achieve the SDGs with Blended Finance"
Harvard Kennedy School Reunion Panel (Panelist) Cambridge "Scaling Impact Through Social Entrepreneurship"
UN Foundation's Social Good Summit Master Class (Moderator) NYC "Inspiration and Driving Innovation"
LATAM Impact Investing Forum-FLII (Plenary Panelist) Merida "2030 Sustainable Development Goals: The Ultimate Impact Framework?"
Social Finance Forum @ MaRS (Speaker) Toronto "UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & the Social Enterprise"
Mentor Capital Network Annual Conference (Keynote) United Nations, NYC "Scaling: From BAD to BEST™"
SEEED Summit at Brown University (Fireside Chat) Providence "Mission-Money Tension Conversation with Tami Kesselman & Max Schorr"
NEXUS USA (Moderator) Washington DC "Investing in Sustainable & Healthy Food"
SMART Charity™ Masterclass (Professor) Online global webinar for UHNW donors to improve their giving strategies.
Tiger 21 (Las Vegas Group, Guest Speaker) Las Vegas "The Biggest Mistakes Family Foundations Make with Impact Measurement"
ELITE Independent RIA & Family Office Global Leaders Conference (Keynote) London "Four Biggest Charity Blindspots"
70th Anniv. United Nations NGO Conference (Closing Keynote) United Nations, NYC "The Evolution of Multi-Sector Solutions"
Newport Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum (Panelist) "Philanthropy and its Role in the Family Office"
Endowment & Foundation Forum (Moderator) Boston "Impact Investing: Value Based Asset Allocations"
NEXUS, NextGen Training (Lecturer) NYC & Washington DC "Shifting Trends: From Philanthropy to Impact Investing"
+SocialGood Livestream (for UN Foundation & Mashable) (Moderator) NYC "Converting 'Donors' to 'Solution Partners' "